The question of what is needed and what is not necessary for a good diabloide, from the category of philosophical. The answer to which only knows Blizzard. Everyone else was looking for the truth wrong and, in the end, found a mass grave among the same. For example, Dungeon Siege developers believed that progressive technology and party gameplay would bring success. And their series has almost shared the fate of loser colleagues when she remembered her Square Enix.
Dreaming to conquer the western market parent Final Fantasy The goal goes to a proven road, buying popular developers or picking up the overflowing brands. The latter are previously evaluated at the degree of hopelessness, and if it does not go beyond decency, they are recognized as suitable for the last Japanese chance. And no free will – either live as they say, or die as it will work out.
For Dungeon Siege, “as they say” turned out, firstly, multi-platform, and secondly, new developers. Who would doubt. I was especially interested in their choice – Obsidian Even brooms would probably knit with unique characters and an active life position. Although no one would give a guarantee that they would also be shallow. But the last game of the studio – Fallout: New Vegas – did not disappoint, so the credit of trust was again updated. And now it’s time to pay for him.
Inequality is not in favor of holiness
The previous two parts of Dungeon Siege did not pass with additives for the Kingdom of IB (EHB) without a trace. The country was broken in half a civil war between the supporters of the young Queen Roslin and the army of a certain Jane Cassiner, who wants to change his places. Jane’s followers revere her for the holy, but the protagonist categorically objects to them. He has big claims to her-this bitch announced a hunt for the beloved 10th legion of the hero (his father served the last most important there) and regularly sends the killer.
Killers themselves are ugly, so they also offend the local population. Damned bastards. The composition of the crime is obvious, and therefore, away doubts, and let the death of the opponent judge who is to blame. The solution to the problem turns into a trivial inequality, where on the one hand – Jane and half a kingdom with the army in addition, on the other – the chiefger with several associates. Anyone understands that the enemy would not even shine, even if she had a complete kingdom and a couple of fronts with tanks and aviation in reserve. But it still will have to win her – the laws of the genre, you will not write anything.
Immediately, however, I will partify the points in questioning signs – in the game there is a choice of protagonists. Described above – a typical knight in a radiant armor. He can prefer a magician. Or the girl of the Arkona race (something like God’s servants), who can bullet with fire. Or another girl who can just bullets (from guns or pairs of cuts). And you can not prefer anyone, but to unite the crowd in a cooperative multiplayer and chop the “bots” four.
In a single campaign, after choosing any of the four, the rest are automatically recorded in satellites for the main role and joined in the course of affairs. But only one (or one) can directly assist the chosen in hostilities, the others are gaining experience on the bench, always ready to replace. You can repent to developers for the inability to switch in a battle between fighters, but you can not blame. Although the variety in gameplay is better than monotony.
Face about Table
The gameplay principles of the genre formulated by Diablo for 15 years were and remained. And developers Dungeon Siege 3 They decided not to row old love, but even vice versa – to add to her dinening additives. From Obsidian This, however, was waiting – the love of their arrival and so pretty was rotten from improper care. But it would be stupid to forget her completely (what would then remain?), but the reboot of the relationship looked like a good alternative.
Possessing almost the best in the industry by specialists to build plots and harAThe studio of hope did not fail to be cube psychologism. The plot is really not just present, but depicts an important person whose role in the project is difficult to overestimate. The most important thing is that he is quite winding to hide the events lying behind the next turn. The user tormented by curiosity is fond of what is happening and obediently runs around the plot zigzags, like a hungry horse – after a carrot looming in front of his eyes … or does not run. Because he is not a dumb cattle, but a person. Which sounds proudly and is unlikely to chase the plot carrot if there is a risk of breaking the legs in the gameplay blockage.
Gameplay blocks – favorite chip Obsidian. The user of any of her games (perhaps, except for New Vegas) should always be ready to ease his favorite face about some cunning or simple tebble. Then it will not be so offensive, because it seems to be yourself, consciously and giving the report. For example, c Dungeon Siege 3 you can easily break off (not to death, but very unpleasant) about management.
Krivnaya Management is a old multi -platform disgrace that has shut down a lot of computer ports. I am no longer even surprised by the manic persistence of the developers in this sore question. Because this is not manic and not perseverance, but banal indifference and laziness. Intended on the desire to save. And yet Obsidian – A solid enterprise, in the ranks of which honored veterans work, who made a name for themselves in the Games for PC. You could have expected thoroughness and respect from them. It was possible. But they did not wait.
Until management
The biggest surprise for the developers of the next multi-platform Tyap Lapa is every time that computer users use a keyboard and mouse as controllers. This amazing fact does not want to fit in the template development heads. Which, in principle, of course, because the templates are console, and devices are computer. But still unforgivable.
IN Dungeon Siege 3, For example, rotations are carried out by a keyboard, a mouse with a clamped with the right button or combination of the middle button and the forward movement key (in this case, the camera also rotates). Any console developer will depict sincere bewilderment – they say, what is the problem? And any computer user is popular and obscenely explainly that in the action the “clavat” has stopped for this function for fifteen years, and with “mouse look” (mouseelook), convenience are fundamental, to which the simultaneous holding of several buttons (after all, it is also necessary to attack the leftbutton) does not apply in any way.
In diabloids with their isometry, the good old “Point-end-click” is generally preferable. Where the main thing is to highlight the right enemy, and the fighter will do everything else himself, just have time to click in time. However, the reviewed by the old man, which was forced to please the console, did not dare to act in a kind-attacks in it were carried out manually. And for this, you first need to enter the target, holding a clamped mouse button (masochism) or using a keyboard (low accuracy). As a result, the owners of the gamepads “trolls” Orthodox users of the PC, and they will swear developers and sincerely promise that they will never buy for anything else, but download.
Camera in Dungeon Siege 3 – Special song with non -normative words. Why it can not be installed so that you can look into the distance to the horizon, and not grind at each oncoming hillock and even see only slightly beyond your own nose? This is somehow connected with the life principles of developers? They are in the sect where for any glance above the waist they sacrifice ritual cocker spaniels? The devil knows them, but it looks very much.
There is no more left to reveal the topic of free purpose of keys, but I will try to find something. B …, C …, in p ..! I apologize, this is not for you, but to developers … You cannot assign free keys to be assigned. Neither mouse nor keyboard, no. There is WASD-for forward-back-in-right-right, 1-2-3-for special attacks, something else-for interface options. Use. You are inconvenient? Your problems. And in general, difficulties temper. But if you want to avoid them so – buy a console. Or at least a gamepad. (At the time of publication of the article, the problem has ceased to be relevant, as a patch has come out, which allows you to change management. – Approx. Ed.)
Playing under anesthesia
After the troubles with the management of other gameplay, it goes as under anesthesia – there is no pain, but the joy is perceived with dull. If at all perceived. The role system in the game as such is absent, but there is role statistics. How is it? Elementary – all attributes are regulated by equipment. If you want to beat-shooting, it is more painful-arm your weapon-bunker with a bonus to attack. If you want to become healthier – the same garbage, only a bonus to health. Do you want both – combine. Or improve the will and dexterity to strengthen special attacks.
The developers did not get anything phenomenal with equipment – it falls abundantly from exterminated enemies, destroyed barrels and open chests. They also had a chance to arrange a small genre counter -revolution, abandoning the color indication of quality. But they did not arrange. Four flowers: white, green, blue and yellow. The closer to yellow, the better the statistics. And besides, the attributes of chaos appear, giving the usual boring damage diversity due to elements (fire-cold-electrics), poison, bleeding and other tricks.
The absence of a directly controlled role system did not entail the abolition of level-ups. The developers considered that without levels it would not be at all aid, and retained the poor fellow, instructing them to engage in abilities, professions and talents. It seems to be a responsible business. But on paper. In fact, nine special techniques (attacking for two types of weapons or protective ones) were disguised as loud names, by a couple of professional improvements for reception and a dozen passive talent bonuses for various occasions, for some reason not on trees, but in a rectangle. However, for such a crop, a couple of bushes would be more than enough. And bushes is somehow unsolvable.
When making a final diagnosis Dungeon Siege 3 For some reason, I remembered a bearded joke about “a case is heavy, but it will live”. Moreover, the joke itself has nothing to do with. Just the phrase is characteristic. And accurate. The industry once again demonstrated that its attitude to computer games is a really difficult case. It is it, the attitude, kills sales, and not some pirates. When the consumer is scolded into the soul, he scores the bolt in response and turns backwards to the official distribution and face to free … And on the consoles, the game will
quite survive. She has no special disagreements with them.
Pros: Plot and characters.
Cons: control;camera;Kutsai development system.