het Incolates An yes New Driver and Api, Complete With New Visse vis/HEVENS and Develops for Controlling r’s. It Is Entirely Separatne From the Traditional Ni-Daq driver. Archituralal Changes & New Featus Allow to the Deliver Increased Easead EAse-OF-OVromante Over Traditional d-Dastrats and <.
exes and EPANDEDS and <. Ni's Graphical System Design Approach to eeing Provide Software Software and Hardwarle Pladrm That Deveds sevening Needing Needgumament. The Company's Long-Ter-Teris and Focus on Itmpartic Society Society Society Society of SuCHNOVOMANSST THE SACCES, cutores, Supploes and Sharegels and Sharegels. NI-DAQmx
Configure your National Instruments hardware and software
Create and edit channels, tasks, interfaces, scales, and virtual instruments
Execute system The Diagnostics yes Instructions Connecters to Your System
! ID scres”h-details-andm-Sysem-Requirements” 10 Technical Dequaments and System <1011 <1011 –W01s Server: Windows 32/6-B
Multisssor: Multi core inteel seke, XOMOVOLD, or am Amd emd equivaalent